[SM Personals] Why so many people struggle Personals

3 common mistakes for SM personal 


1.Not being honest in your bio and message

Many people lie in their self-introduction or write differently when sending a message. Usually, the first thing you see when you read a partner finding posting is the bio, unless you know the person, but if the bio and the message are different, can you trust the person? You probably won’t, which is why it’s important to be honest about the content of your cover letter and the content of your message.

2.Indiscriminate postings and recruitment messages.

Many people have acquaintances, so they often ask their acquaintances for their opinion of the person first, because they often have a similar outlook to their own, so if the same message is sent to their acquaintances, it is often filtered out. If you don’t know because the bottom is narrower than you think, or if you send a copy and paste message or indiscriminately, no matter how well you write the message, you will think that you are just poking around or that you can partner with anyone without me, so you will find someone who needs you.


When writing a message, it is recommended to compare what the person wants and what you are like. It is important to understand why the personality of the person and you are compatible and to form a consensus on that. Of course, there will be some things that don’t work, but it’s also good to write about how you can work on them instead of not writing about them. If you do that, you’ll feel like you’ve read the person’s finding partner post and you’ve at least been polite, so even if you don’t succeed, you’ll at least get a reply.