[SM] How to escape from SM

You probably can’t escape SM.

1.Reasons to believe that you won’t be able to escape from SM

Everyone is born with SM tendencies, but only some people realize that they have SM tendencies. If you forget your tendency, you can become a vanilla, but due to the nature of the brain, you cannot voluntarily give up your SM tendency and go back to vanilla; the brain finds the effort to forget a strong stimulus and it becomes deeply ingrained in the brain. It’s like a swamp that gets stronger and stronger, and the harder you try to get out, the harder it is to get out. If you want to get back to vanilla, you need to forget your SM tendencies by immersing yourself in something other than them. Even then, when reminded of the tendency, the SM tendency is quickly imprinted, making it impossible for someone who is actually aware of the tendency to give it up. so being vanilla is difficult, and because few people live lives that are inherently satisfying, many people suffer from their tendencies.

2.Don’t let Vanilla start to get SM related.

Don’t drag your lover down the path of being a tendency in order to satisfy your own tendency. All relationships are fleeting, and your fleeting desires should not lead the other person down the path of happiness, but down the path of SM, the path of SM from which you suffer. In other words, you are destroying the other person’s life with your actions, so stop making vanilla get a sm tendency.